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Register for an Open Office Session
2 pm - 3 pm
10 am - 11 am
All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST) - Subject to close during holidays
Join our Open Office sessions every Tuesday and Thursday for live support on all your ClearStream and TracerPlus inquiries. Connect with our specialists, receive prompt answers, and best practices, and share insights about your projects. Dial in any time during the scheduled hour; we're here to assist you!
Open Office FAQ's
Who should attend Open Office?
They are designed for current ClearStream and TracerPlus customers with an active support agreement in place.
What is the format?
Open Office is an open line where clients can get answers to their questions on a first-come-first-serve basis. Every session is unscripted, so Support Specialists can dig into your questions and you can also learn best practices from other ClearStream and TracerPlus users.
Click on the register button above, and you should receive an email with dial-in instructions and a link to join the session once you register. Once you have joined, you can click the Raise Hand icon to ask a question and we can unmute your line or you can type your question into the question panel.
On busier calls, Support Specialists may limit discussion around each question to five minutes. If more time is needed, we can follow up with you after the call.
How long do they take?
That is up to you. Some customers stay for the full hour to learn from other clients questions while others join for just as long as it takes to get their own questions answered.
Will I be required to share my company name or share my screen?
No. Support Specialists may share their screen with the entire audience when explaining something however there is no sharing of client screens during Open Office.